
Consultancy Sector Analysis and the Implementation of Gender Responsive Budgeting in the Water Sector in Mauritius

Request for Public Consultations

Informação Geral

   18 de Set, 2024
15 de Out, 2024
MAURITIUS - Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities
   Licitação internacional
   publicado: 18 de Set, 2024

Informação para contato

   Deana Naajla Nauzeer-Jeetoo
Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities
6th Floor Air Mauritius Center
John Kennedy St
Port louis
   +230 2103774
   Clique aqui

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Documentos de licitação e anexos

  • Solicitação (1197 KB; 18 de Set, 2024)
     Download documentos

Texto original

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