
This Public Consultation Concerns All The Services Of An It "Service Desk" Of The National Health Laboratory (Lns) Based In The Grand Duchy Of Luxembourg. The Implementation, By The Tenderer Selected At The End Of The Procedure, Of The Associated Services Include, Among Other Things:  Taking Calls Or Receiving Odoo Tickets Relating To Any Questions Or Incidents Communicated By Lns It Users (Office Automation, Odoo Erp, Telephony, Connectivity, It Security)  Operational Support For Lns Office Automation Users  Transmission And Monitoring Of Tickets Received Or Created To The Appropriate Service Providers  Stock Management, Installation And Movement Of It Equipment And Office Automation And Connectivity Software.

Solicitud de ofertas

Información general

   15 de Sep, 2024
   publicado: 15 de Sep, 2024

Texto original

var consulation_ref='531479';
var organisme = 't5y';
var depotAutomatique = 0;
var pageTransmissionAffichee = 0;
var jetonSignatureMaxFileSize = 1048576;

Détail de la consultation

Date et heure limite de remise des plis :

31/10/2024 10:00

Référence :


Intitulé :

Service Desk...
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