

Adjudicação de contrato

Informação Geral

Timor Leste
   OCB/0069/EDTL, E.P-2024
   9 de Jul, 2024
22 de Jul, 2024
Eletricidade de Timor-Leste Empresa Publica (EDTL-EP)
   Intent to Award
9 July 2024
In accordance with article 65, of Decree Law 22/2022 of the Procurement Legal Regime, the Eletricidade the Timor-Leste, Empresa Pública (EDTL, E.P.) would like to announce its intent to award the following contract:

No Project Name Project Number Winning Bidder Contract Amount
1 SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL MATERIALS (TRANSFORMER) FOR EDTL, E.P, OCB/0069/EDTL, E.P-2024 PT. Sintra Sinarindo Elektrik 1,992,165.35

We further inform that this Intent to Award is based on the Evaluation Committee’s decisión taking into account the combined technical ratio (40%) and Price ratio (60%). Evaluation of the proposal submitted by the firm is as follows:
Bid No. Name of Bidders Evaluated / Corrected Bid Price (USD) Technical Score
(T) Price Score (P) Combined Score
(0.40*T+0.60*P) Final Ranking
100 100 100
1 PT. Sintra Sinarindo Elektrik 1,992,165.35 90.35 100 96.14 1st
3 Star World Unipessoal Lda 2,057,750.00 77.90 96.81 89.25 5th
4 Tom’s Building Unipessoal Lda in JV with Bannila Unipessoal Lda 2,431,057.25 84.40 81.95 82.93 6th
8 Nagi Unipessoal Lda 2,177,850.00 86.45 91.47 89.46 4th
11 Vinod Patel Investments Timor S.A. 2,420,165.00 75.00 82.32 79.39 8th
13 Helfia Unipessoal Lda 2,134,488.00 86.35 93.33 90.54 3rd
14 New Town Enterprises Unipessoal Lda 2,318.800.00 75.25 85.91 81.65 7th
15 Waida Unipessoal Lda in JV with DVP Construcao Unp Lda 2,048,500.00 89.65 97.25 94.21 2nd

Pursuant to paragraph (11) of Article 65 of the Procurement Legal Regime, any protest/claims must be submitted, in writing, to the Eletricidade de Timor-Leste, Empresa Pública (EDTL, E.P.) within 10 working days from the posting date of this tender result.

Dr. Paulo da Silva
President of Executive Commission, EDTL, E.P.
   Licitação internacional
   publicado: 9 de Jul, 2024

Informação para contato

   Fransisco Martins
Procurement Specialist
Dili Timor Leste
Dili, Dili
Timor Leste
   Clique aqui

Bens, obras e serviços

Electricidade, aquecimento, energia solar e nuclear

Additional resources

Contract award information

   Timor Leste
   PT. Sintra Sinarindo Elektrik

Texto original

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