
Urban Land Use Plan of Maliana City Project for Bobonaro Municipality (EXPIRED)

Pedido de Propostas

Informação Geral

Timor Leste
   24 de Jul, 2024
30 de Jul, 2024
National Procurement Commission
   5. The estimated person-months for the assignment is 37 person-months of 11 International Key Experts and 32 person-months of 10 Assistant Experts (National) with a time period of 8 months from the notice to proceed. The Proposal Validity is 180 days after the submission of the Proposal.

6. A firm will be selected under the Quality and Cost Base Selection (QCBS) Method with weights given to Technical & Financial Proposals are (80:20) and other selection criteria like, Experience of Firm, Experience of Experts and Approach and Methodology, Work Program and Personnel Schedule described in this RFP. The minimum technical score required to pass is: 75%. The Client shall award the contract to the Consultant with the highest combined score evaluated in accordance with the procedure specified under Section 2 & 3 of RFP, provided further that the Consultant is determined to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.

7. The procurement shall be conducted as single stage-two envelope procedures, wherein the Technical and Financial Proposals shall be submitted together in separately-sealed envelopes.
   Licitação internacional
   publicado: 24 de Jul, 2024

Informação para contato

   Hermingardo A. Soares
National Procurement Commission
Avenida de Balide
Timor Leste
   Clique aqui

Bens, obras e serviços

Serviços de arquitectura paisagística e planeamento urbano Serviços de planeamento urbano

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Texto original

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