
P11Pj24143-G85-428-Roofing And Masonry Triennial Design Services (EXPIRED)

Avis d'appel d'offres

Des informations générales

   Mar 23, 2024
Avr 18, 2024
Toronto Transit Commission - PCM Capital
   publié: Mar 23, 2024

Adresse de contact

   Anna Spadafora
Toronto Transit Commission - PCM Capital
   Cliquez ici

Marchandises, Travaux et Services

Travaux de construction

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notice_summary_english: The Engineering, Construction and Expansion section of the Construction Department of the TTC, requires the services of four (4) design consultants, to assist the TTC with the Multi-Discipline, Design and Engineering Services for evaluation, assessment, analysis, design and engineering support during construction for the rehabilitation of existing TTC roofs and masonry structures at various TTC locations.
The term of the Contract shall be for a period of three (3) years from the date of Notification of Award., local_title: P11PJ24143-G85-428-ROOFING AND MASONRY TRIENNIAL DESIGN SERVICES, grossbudgeteuro: 0.0, netbudgeteuro: 0.0, grossbudgetlc: 0.0, netbudgetlc: 0.0, type_of_procedure: Other, bidding_response_method: Not Available, tender_is_canceled: False

Texte original

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