
Supply, Installation, Testing , commissioning & O&M of Solar Power System for community development program under Warsak 2nd Rehb Project (EXPIRED)

Solicitud de ofertas

Información general

   6 de Jun, 2022
29 de Jun, 2022
PAKISTAN - Water and Power Development Authority
   I) Eligibility.
. A private or a government owned entity or combination (JV) with existing agreement or intent to enter such agreement.
. A bidder shall not have a conflict of interest.
II) Historical Contract Non-Performance
. A bidder shall not be under suspension/debarment/termination.
III) Financial situation and Performance
.Single entity/each JV partner must meet the construction cash flow requirement of PKR 5 Million.
. Minimum average annual supply turnover of PKR2 20 Million in last five(05) years for single entity/each JV partner minimum 25% of the requirement and 40% for at least one partner of the JV.
IV) General & specific construction and contract management experience.
. Must have completed two(02) similar contracts valuing PKR 15 Million each as prime contractor, JV member, management contractor or sub-contractor for the last (05) years.
   Licitación nacional
25000000 PKR
   publicado: 6 de Jun, 2022

Datos para contacto

   CE/PD Warsak 2nd Rehb.Project Warsak
o/o CE/PD 2nd Rehabilitation Project Warsak
Warsak Colony Warsak Peshawar
Peshawer, Khyber Pakhtonkhwa 25000
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Bienes, Obras y Servicios

Distribución de agua Explotación del suministro de agua Explotación de una planta depuradora de agua

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