
Consulting Services for Selection of an optimal location, type and size for a new Classification Yard/s for ADY (EXPIRED)

Solicitud de Expresiones de Interés

Información general

   5 de Jul, 2021
26 de Jul, 2021
AZERBAIJAN - Azerbaijan Railways Closed Joint Stock Company
   - At least 10 years of experience in carrying out feasibility studies for the establishment of railway facilities;
- At least 3 similar consulting projects undertaken for a railway organization within the last 10 years, such as feasibility studies for freight operations and/ or hump yards and/or other similar railway facilities or any other similar assignments with roles and functions described in the Terms of Reference for subject assignment.
- the location (experience in East Europe and CIS countries will be advantageous).
The Client will also take into account for the evaluation of the applications the following items:
- Strong management capacity with quality assurance procedures and certifications of the consultant - ISO 9001 or latest.
   Licitación Internacional
   publicado: 5 de Jul, 2021

Datos para contacto

   Seymur Gahramanov
Director of PIU
Project Implementation Unit
Dilara Aliyeva str. 230, Baku Azerbaijan
   +994 12 499 64 72; +994 12 499 42 55
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Servicios de consultoría en infraestructura Servicios de ingeniería ferroviaria Servicios complementarios para el transporte ferroviario

Documentos de licitación y ficheros adjuntos

  • Solicitación (27 KB; 5 de Jul, 2021)
  • Solicitación : Final Draft of the Terms of Reference (333 KB; 5 de Jul, 2021)
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