
Carrying Out Spot Billing Works I.E., Scanning, Printing And Serving Of C.C. Bills On Spot Of Consumer Premises Of Lt Cat.I, Cat.Ii & Cat.Iv (Excluding High Value, Agriculture Services) With Gprs Enabled Spot Billing Machines/Devices With Bluetooth Printers And Irda Port Readings Shall Be Taken Wherever Irda Port Compatible Meters Existing Under Hindupur Rural Sub-Division For A Period From 01.09.2024 To 31.03.2026 In Operation Circle Anantapuramu With The Software Provided By The Apspdcl

Solicitud de ofertas

Información general

   18 de Sep, 2024
   Licitación nacional
5643578 INR
   publicado: 18 de Sep, 2024

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Carrying out Spot billing works i.e., Scanning, Printing and Serving of C.C. Bills on spot of consumer premises of LT Cat.I, Cat.II & Cat.IV (Excluding High Value, Agriculture services) with GPRS enabled Spot...
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