
Regret Letter For:The Procurement Of The Required Services Of A Transactional Advisor For The Assessment And Packaging Projects For Private Public Participation Or Private Sector Theparticipation For The Majuba, Arnot, Duvha, And Tutuka Pv Projects, As Well As Kleinzee And Aberdeen Wind Projects For A Period Of 2 Years.

Solicitud de ofertas

Información general

   8 de Ago, 2024
   publicado: 8 de Ago, 2024

Texto original

Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioningRegret letter for:The procurement of the required services of a Transactional Advisor for the assessment and packaging projects for Private Public Participation or Private Sector TheParticipation for the Majuba, Arnot, Duvha, and Tutuka PV Projects, as well as Kleinzee and Aberdeen Wind Projects for a period of 2 years...
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