
Implementation Sewer System of Karak - Construction of Sewer Networks, Pumping Stations and Force Mains for Selected Karak Areas (Lot (1): Project Implementation Sewer System for Part of Manshiyyet Abu Hammour Lot (2): Project Implementation Sewer System for Part of Manshiyyet Abu Hammour, Thaniyyeh, and Marj (Optional))

Solicitud de ofertas

Información general

   7 de Ago, 2024
   publicado: 7 de Ago, 2024

Texto original

Invitation for Bids

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Project Implementation Sewer System of Karak

Construction of Sewer Networks, Pumping Stations and Force Mains for Selected Karak Areas

Package 1

Lot (1): Project Implementation Sewer System for Part of Manshiyyet Abu Hammour

Lot (2): Project Implementation Sewer System for Part of Manshiyyet Abu Hammour, Thaniyyeh, and

Marj (Optional)...
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