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TURKEY - Antalya Water and Wastewater Administration (ASAT)

Cet acheteur appartient à Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement.
TURKEY - Antalya Water and Wastewater Administration (ASAT) opère en Turquie.
General Directorate of Antalya Water and Wastewater (ASAT) has been established in 1995 regarding to Ministry Council decision 94/6516 within the framework of Law No. 2560.
Main purposes of General Directorate of ASAT to supply water from all kinds of water sources, to collect,treat and discharge wastewater to receiving environment according to regulations.
Furthermore, ASAT establishes the related facilities and executes operational activities to prevent the water resources, sea water quality from all kinds of pollution and takes all kinds of technical, administrative and legal measures.

Avis de passation de marché

Pays:  Turquie

Type:  Sollicitation de Manifestations d'Intérêt

Jan 31, 2024 
Date limite
Fév 29, 2024